Click on the links on the left or names below to find out more about our community groups/activities:
- Art Club - The adult art group is a small club where anyone who is interested in drawing and water colours can meet and share their hobby.
- CAMEO - Women's Group
- Coffee Call is open to everyone.
Meeting weekly on a Wednesday morning 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
- Food Bank St. Paul’s has a small restricted Foodbank, serving our congregation and local community.
- Men's Group - We are an eclectic mix of men who enjoy sharing in a variety of activities; punctuated with light hearted banter, within a framework of care and support.
Meets usually on the second Tuesday of each month 8.00 pm -10.00 pm
- Picking up the Pieces (Bereavement Support Group)
Meeting monthly for lunch and friendship.