24th April 7pm APCM
(church annual general meeting) in the church.

Please come and find out what is happening at your church.


CAMEO - Women's Group

2024 Programme

All women are very welcome to join us.

We are an eclectic mix who enjoy sharing in a variety of activities;
punctuated with light hearted banter, within a framework of care and support

(Nominal charge of £4 to cover refreshment and speaker costs)

13th May  'Bring & Buy for Christian Aid' and Games Evening
(2nd Monday)
3rd June  'Pocahontas -the non Disney story'
TBA June Country Walk
(Joint meeting with the Men's Group)
1st July  'Magic Moments' (Wildlife Photography)
S U M M E R  B R E A K
2nd September  'A Conspiracy History of the World'
(Joint meeting with the Men's Group)
7th October  'A School Girls War'
4th November TBC
TBA December Christmas Meal

Extra events include a visit to Erith Playhouse and a County Walk


Page last updated: Thursday 11th April 2024 10:05 PM
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