Men's Group

 All men are very welcome.

2024 Programme | Additional Activites | Contact

We are a friendly group of men meeting generally on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8.00pm in the Church Lounge. We encourage believers and non-believers alike to participate in our varied programme which includes presentations from guest speakers on a wide range of topics, meals out, additional activities e.g. country & London walks, quizz evening.

We also join with CAMEO, the women's group, for visits to Erith Playhouse and presentations of joint interest.

For more information, please contact:

Bob Lindridge - 01322 332108, or email: Bob Lindridge

2024 Programme

9th July 'The History and Work of the Salvation Army'

S U M M E R  B R E A K

2nd September (Monday) Joint Meeting with CAMEO
'A Conspiracy History of the World' - Andy Thomas

8th October Fish & Chips and planning

12th November 'Local History' - Ken Chamberlain

10th December Christmas Meal

Additional Activities

TBA Conducted Tour of the Aircraft Museum Shoreham

If you would like to suggest places of interest to visit
and are willing to organise the outing, please talk to Bob.

Page last updated: Tuesday 2nd July 2024 9:24 AM
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